The Legal Tech Blog Gets A Fresh Face

We are pleased to announce that the Legal Tech Blog will start the new year with a redesign relaunch. On February 12, the Legal Tech Blog will relaunch under the new URL “” and get a fresh design.

Over the past few months, we have been working on making the blog clearer and more appealing, introducing easier navigation, and raising our privacy standards. Now the blog presents itself in a modern color scheme as well as a simple, functional, and beautiful new layout. We have brought new order to the blog’s page system and improved the readability of the content. In addition, the Legal Tech Blog will be even more targeted to an international audience and will be completely available in English.

The updated version of the blog will still be available under the old URL “” by automatic redirection.
Our twitter and LinkedIn accounts will of course also be adapted to our new design.

We are not only happy about the new features of our blog, but also about new members in our editorial boardSilke Graf, Legal Tech & Knowledge Manager at PricewaterhouseCoopers Legal (PwC Legal) Austria,and Shayan Edalati, lawyer and legal tech solutions consultant, are two new faces who will co-author and shape the content of the Legal Tech Blog. We are looking forward to a great collaboration. CVs of the Editorial Board members can be found here.

Another innovation concerns our newsletter. Our newsletter will from now on be published once a month and will be sent to you from a new email address. Subscribing to the newsletter works as usual via the blog’s homepage.

For questions, suggestions, compliment, and criticism you can now reach us via the e-mail address

As standard, the quality and regularity of our posts will remain. We keep an eye on the legal tech market and inform you about all important news and developments. Furthermore, you can expect exciting contributions and articles on disruptive technologies in the legal industry, new developments in law and legal practice as well as outlooks into the future.

We hope you enjoy discovering our new blog and thank you for your interest!

Your Legal Tech Blog team